Last Updated: Sep 10, 2014 - 9:31:46 PM |
Staying Alive - CPR saves lives
Jul 2, 2009 - 1:03:48 PM
By Health Beat
As middleaged men, our friends and husbands may need our help. Do you know how to give CPR? Read this article on how a man saved her husband by pumping to Staying Alive. Sign up for a class. Learn basic CPR.
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Swine Flu - Stay informed stay healthy
Apr 25, 2009 - 9:53:47 PM
By Janette Li Kim
Swine flu cases have been apparently found in Kansas, California, Texas and possibly New York. What the heck is thie flu strain? Is it new? Is it deadly? What can I do to protect myself and my family?
Can obesity shorten your life?
Mar 19, 2009 - 6:44:34 PM
By Link to CNN.com
Learn more on obesity in this article and how obesity can cause complications and disease that may lead to a life cut short. This is important information for middle aged men and the families we raise.
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Take care of your teeth - "You can't handle the Tooth"
Sep 15, 2008 - 8:49:43 PM
By Health Writer
I learned my lesson after 40 years of taking my teeth for granted. The other day I went to the dentist because one of my molars was hurting. He took an x-ray of my teeth and found that I had a cavity. I was not surprised and he quickly filled it.
I had not been to the dentist for over 2 years since that day and so I was really not surprised that I had a cavity. The visit cost me $127 since I had dental insurance. I went home thinking my problem was solved.
Questions To Ask Before Taking Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Sep 13, 2008 - 6:02:43 PM
By Nutrition.gov
Are you considering taking vitamin or mineral supplements? Do you think you need them? Or that they can't hurt so you may as well take them? Here are some questions to ask before you decide to take them.
What I need to know about Erection Problems
Mar 3, 2008 - 10:35:23 PM
Erectile problems are not funny at all if you are the one with the problem. At our age, the likelihood of this happening is only increasing.
Erection problems used to be called "impotence." Now the term "erectile dysfunction" is more common. Sometimes people just use the initials ED.
***Note - Diagrams of male anatomy in article.
School killings - the social proof we are creating
Feb 24, 2008 - 12:35:48 PM
By Reprinted with permission from author
What is happening to our society. My daughter is a student at NIU and lives in the residence hall right next to the location of the tragic shootings. NIU, Virginia Tech, Columbine, on and on and on.
This time at NIU I hear people saying how unexpected it was. How he was such a smart person. How nobody saw it coming...even so called experts. Even her close friends. Or are they just denying they ever suspected something.
I am not going to judge these people, nor am I going to judge the killers. They did a terrible thing. This is undeniable.
Who is to blame? Let's see.
Vital Behaviors to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Jan 26, 2008 - 5:38:09 PM
By Book Review Writer
The Book Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
is a book about influencing almost anything. However, for middle aged men, two important aspects of ourselves and our families that we need to influence is our weight and our children. In this book, the authors explain the importance of vital behaviors. For those of us who have constantly battled our weight and have tried diet after diet, this book may just be the help we were looking for.
Meditation - A Great Way to Relax for men
Jan 15, 2008 - 10:51:53 PM
By Exercise Writer
If you have not tried meditation you may be missing something that could change your life. I have been meditating off and on for a couple years, but I recently read this book after attending a course in which we meditated. I highly recommend this straight forward book on meditation. It is available at Amazon. I borrowed mine from the library.
Posture of Meditation
In the book, the author explains the importance and relationship of alignment, relaxation and resileince. Even if you have meditated in your yoga class, this book can only help enhance your experience.
So what are you waiting for. Slow down and enjoy the silence.
Don't Skip Your Exercise
Dec 26, 2007 - 12:52:08 AM
By Staff Health Writer
The new year is coming up and many of us will make New Year's Resolutions like start exercising. How many times have we done this. Broken Promises. Why? We make so many excuses...time, money, too hard ... Did you know skipping rope is a great exercise? It's hard to skip though...or is it?
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